

noun pan·el \ˈpa-nəl\

: a group of people who answer questions, give advice or opinions about something, or take part in a discussion for an audience

: a group of people with special knowledge, skill, or experience who give advice or make decisions

: a group of people who are chosen to be jurors

Full Definition of PANEL

a (1) :  a schedule containing names of persons summoned as jurors (2) :  the group of persons so summoned (3) :  jury 1
b (1) :  a group of persons selected for some service (as investigation or arbitration) <a panel of experts>
(2) :  a group of persons who discuss before an audience a topic of public interest; also :  panel discussion (3) :  a group of entertainers or guests engaged as players in a quiz or guessing game on a radio or television program
:  a separate or distinct part of a surface: as
a :  a fence section :  hurdle
b (1) :  a thin usually rectangular board set in a frame (as in a door)
(2) :  a usually sunken or raised section of a surface set off by a margin (3) :  a flat usually rectangular piece of construction material (as plywood or precast masonry) made to form part of a surface
c :  a vertical section of fabric (as a gore)
d :  comic strip; also :  a frame of a comic strip
:  a thin flat piece of wood on which a picture is painted; also :  a painting on such a surface
a :  a section of a switchboard
b :  a usually vertical mount for controls or dials (as of instruments of measurement)

Origin of PANEL

Middle English, piece of cloth, jury list on a piece of parchment, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *pannellus, diminutive of Latin pannus
First Known Use: 14th century

Other Broadcasting Terms

continuity, dissolve, fade, feed, remote, residual, spike, wipe

Rhymes with PANEL



: to cover (a wall, ceiling, etc.) with flat pieces of wood, glass, etc.

paneled or panelledpanel·ing or panel·ling

Full Definition of PANEL

transitive verb
:  to furnish or decorate with panels <paneled the living room>

First Known Use of PANEL

15th century

Other Architecture Terms

buttress, casita, cornice, fanlight, garret, lintel, parapet, pilaster, plinth

Rhymes with PANEL

PANEL[1] Defined for Kids


noun pan·el \ˈpa-nəl\

Definition of PANEL for Kids

:  a usually rectangular section of something (as a door or a wall)
:  a piece of material (as plywood) made to form part of a surface (as of a wall)
:  a board into which instruments or controls are set
:  a group of people appointed for some service <a jury panel>
:  a group of people taking part in a discussion or answering questions for an audience


pan·eled or pan·elledpan·el·ing or pan·el·ling

Definition of PANEL for Kids

:  to cover or decorate with sections of material (as wood) <panel a wall>
Medical Dictionary


noun pan·el \ˈpan-əl\

Medical Definition of PANEL

:  a list or group of persons selected for some service: as a :  a list of physicians from among whom a patient may make a choice in accordance with various British health and insurance plans b :  the patients cared for by a doctor under such a plan


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